
Unlimited green fees
Golf affiliation fees
GA insurance
GolfLink handicap
50% off green fees
Golf affiliation fees
GA insurance
GolfLink handicap
25% off green fees
Golf affiliation fees
GA insurance
GolfLink handicap
Unlimited green fees
Golf affiliation fees
GA insurance
GolfLink handicap*
Intermediate Gold (18-22)
Junior Gold (12-17)
Sub-Junior Gold (<12)
*Not included with Sub-Junior
Our membership year runs from 1 November to 31 October the following year.
Membership categories include an unlimited green fee option for regular golfers (Gold), a ‘pay-as-you-play’ option for golfers who have limited time to play but still want to have a handicap and enjoy the benefits of golf affiliation (Silver) and a club supporters option (Bronze).
Please note: Bronze membership does not include a Golf Link handicap, Golf Australia affiliation or insurance.
Discounted membership options are available for younger golfers: Intermediate (18-22 years) and Junior (under 18). For age-based memberships applicants must be the appropriate age on 1 November of that membership year.
All membership fees listed include GST.
Pro Rata Fees are applicable for new members during the course of the membership year
Annual Private Cart Fee is $154
Full payment of fees is required at the time of application (details to be provided) and will be refunded in full should the application be unsuccessful. Fees may be paid by cash, cheque, credit card, direct debit or PayAsYouGolf installments
Membership Fees are non refundable in full or part